Next Meeting

To be announced

System Status

We are currently aware of these issues:

None noted.


All JPARA and Cactus members are invited to check into the Morning net. Our system covers many time zones, so check with your local group to find out what time the net is locally. The net is hosted by Tom, AB7IC, and Jerry N5IMJ. We routinely have check-in's from California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

This is an informal Roll-call style net. It affords us the opportunity to check our linking status, and confirm all remote base sites are in working order. Plus. we just get to say good morning to the group. Start you day off with a big ol' Cactus Smile.

So, if you are a member and are up early, stop by and say hello

Page last updated by Greg, KD5OH on 7/15/2024